New Fh!


Fish Crazy
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County California
just got a new fh for 10 bucks because he/she was missing a tail.
he was moving alot so i put him into a container so i can get a better pic of him.
is he a male or female?
heres the pic tell me what u think?



is he going to grow it back? check out my new blue dragon
yae mines has alto of pearl spots for his size just waiting for the right size so i cna put him in the 120 gallon cant wait but hes living happily rihgt now
yae mines has alto of pearl spots for his size just waiting for the right size so i cna put him in the 120 gallon cant wait but hes living happily rihgt now
you remind me of me when i barely got my gourami. i though i had the best gourami around, and i still think i do.
hey i forget what site it was, but i found this site with a new breed of flowerhorns they had no tails like the heart blood parrots but it looked way worse looks really awkard huge gap between anal fin and top fin .only normal flowerhorns are my favs are red dragons normal flowerhorn if not could yous show us 1
thanx jacob
yes i heard if those tailless flower horn there no good!!
im is not a tailless flower horn his tail was bitten off so i got it for cheap!
those other flower horns with out tails were to cut off to make it look exotic so the price would be worth more!
heres some pic of tailless flowerhorns!!
i repeat mine is not a tailless flower horn its tail was bitten off by another flower horn at my lfs!!!



dont worrie my little flower horn will grow back his tail
If he's got atleast a little finage on the tail there, it should grow back. Its when the entire tail is bitten/snipped off that its usually unreversable. Though i did hear of a betta growing back it's tail after loseing what must have been a quarter of its body on that end.
Yea, thats a bad practice. I knew one guy who did it though, compared it to cropping the ears of various dog breeds; though im pretty sure the survival rate for ear cropping a dog is 100%, compared with the 45% chance of survival given to dyed and other artificially modified fish.

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