New female wont Eat


Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2004
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Is she depressed or does she not like the food i have for her. She wont eat hikari or some weird brand my mom bought, she wont eat the regualr flakes (tetramin), I even went crazy and tried to feed her fancy guppy food. Is she depressed?
could be, did you just get her from the store? somtimes it takes them a while to adapt before they'll start eating :)
If you just got her it could be that she's adjusting. My betta took about 5 days before he woudl eat. You could also check with the place you got her from and see what they were feeding her. Have you tried bloodwoms? They usually love them.
If you have had her for awhile try frozen food such as brine shrimp or tubifex worms then if worse comes to worse go to the shop and ask then what they fed it.
my betta didn't eat for 2.5 weeks when i first got him. no need to panic, she's probably just adjusting to her new surroundings.. what i did was drop one pellet in everyday to see if he'd eat. if he didn't eat it within a few minutes, i just scooped it back out and threw it away, so it didn't make his water yucky.

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