New female ram


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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My new female ram hasn't gotten off to a great start. She got chased since being put in with the male and this morning I noticed her fins were all nipped up. The male probably nipped them and also from being chased she probably tore them on things in the tank.

So now taking a closer look at her I see on the top and bottom of her tail fin there is cloudy edging to it. So is this from the new tears or is she getting something like fin rot?

Should I just keep up water changes in hopes it goes away or treat with something? :/
To start with I'd seperate them. Leave the female in the tank that is going to be both of their habitat, and removed the male. Let her get settled into the tank for a coupe of days, then reintroduce the male and see what happens. Luck!
I've already separated them :p Sorry I should of been more clear. I'm worried about the cloudy edges on her fins where the tears are. I'm just wondering if the edges are cloudy because of the rips or if she's getting some kind of secondary problem like fin rot? Should I just wait it out and keep up on the water changes?

Besides water changes is there anything I can do to kind of prevent anything setting in?
How's the new girl doing?

(Sorry I can't help with the fin problem, I know next to nothing about diseases. I assume it's just fin nipping, my female got some too but no cloudiness that I noticed)
It's not going too well for me :-( She's got fin rot....

Now I'm not even sure if the torn fins were even from the boy or if they were from her developing fin rot. I'm 100% sure it's fin the fins look more eroded and more white on the edges.

I did have a hospital tank but I ended up using it as a regular tank so now I'm having to treat the main tank. I've lowered the water level so I don't have to use so much medication at least.

I'm going to be using JBL's supposed to be one of the number one medication for gram positive and gram negative bacterial diseases. It's supposed to very mild on fish and from using it in the past none of the fish I've used it on were bothered by it like some medications I've tried.

Oh well... :/
Do you have any Melafix as well? I know that it doesnt cure the finrot, but definately helps, and I saw a lot of improvement in my fish from it. Maybe some salt too if you can...Hope all goes well
Argh! I'm sorry you're having such a hard time keeping Rams! I hope it doesn't put you off keeping them!
pseud said:
Argh! I'm sorry you're having such a hard time keeping Rams! I hope it doesn't put you off keeping them!

I appreciate your concern :) The thought has crossed my mind but you can't be lucky in everything and I'll get through this whether my male has to live by himself or if I can get them to work out.

Besides the fin rot the female seems healthy and swims around and eats so that's a good sign. It's really testing my patience though and now I'm worried I might of spread it to another tank because I moved the male to my 14.5 gallon tank and now I'm seeing slight cloudyness on his top fin :S I'm trying to just do water changes on that tank in hopes it clears up ..if not I'll have to treat that tank too seeing as I can't put him back in the other tank thats being treated as he'll chase the female and stress her out again.

Squishiebabe - I read melafix is only meant to be used after the fin rot is gone other wise it does nothing to help :dunno: I've got some homemade stuff but I kind of dont trust it because the one time I used it my fish started acting strange.

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