New Female...purple Cambodian?


Feb 2, 2008
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Urbana, IL
I was at Walmart today buying my dogs some rawhide chews, and of course I had to go by and see what bettas they had. Well, this female was sitting right in the front, and I've never seen one quite like her so I had to get her. The pictures really didn't turn out showing her true color. She's not red, and in regular light, definitely does not look blue. She looks like a very royal purple colored cambo. She's also very large. Do you think she carries the giant gene? She has a few bad scales, but is just really different looking to me. What do you think?

(My car's broken and I'm stuck at my Mom's for a while today while it's fixed. She'll be out of this cup in a few hours!)



She's lovely and a gorgeous colour too. Great find :good:
3 inches is giant ;) i just lost a giant male :(
she certainly could carry the gene depending on size
Wow, if that's not distortion from the cup.. she is a HUGE girl! I'm totally jealous!! I want a giant betta so badly lol.
She looks great though. I can't wait to see her in a tank!
Could "she" be a "he"?? She's breathing heavily and I can see some red gills sticking out. Not flaring, so I can't tell, but could it actually be a male PK?

More pictures:
(gill's showing a bit)

(Closer to actual color)



Looks like a she to me, and a very pretty one at that. 100% giant is 3inches not inc tail but she is a nice big girl. Great_aquatics has some nice giants on AB i have just bought two from him and so far i'm happy.

Beautifal girl
Okay, also, if she IS a you think she's just a VT, or could she possibly be a delta/SD?
Thanks. I thought she was, but then when she flares she loses the curve a bit (doesn't look AS curvy as the female VTs in the thread to id them). :)
I'm worried about this little girl. I put her in a separate tank...acclimated her...and now don't see her anywhere. I haven't seen her swim to the top for air for about an hour. I hope she's not hiding for the end... :( I see her. She's just hiding. She's about double the size of my other female!

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