New Female Betta Roni


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I just got this new little girl a few days ago. I think she might be a crown or combtail, but thought you guys could give me some more definate answers. Hopefully the pics are clear (I haven't really perfected this digital pic and posting thing yet). lol I never considered breeding bettas before, but now I'm intrigued. I've read all of the pinned topics and such on here. If nothing else, I find it all fascinating. Anyway, I'd like to find out more about genetics, dominant traits, and such. Like, if you breed a black betta with a orange betta, will some be black and some be orange, or will the all be black and orange? Any links or websites (or your own information on this) would be greatly appreciated. I have a crowntail male, but his color isn't great (shhh...don't tell him that though...he's still hansome to me). I do have a gorgeous doubletail (Titan), that IF (big, huge if) I was to try and breed, he would be my first choice. What traits would the fry most likely carry it Titan and Roni would breed? But then, if Roni is just a VT, I wouldn't breed her at all. If nothing else, I get to show off my new girl. :wub: :hyper: 100_0931.JPG
Aww, what a cutie! :wub:
She's almost definitely CT. If you were to breed her with your other CT you'd get 100% CTs, as it is a recessive trait. If you were to breed her with the DT you'd probably get an F1 with poor finnage... all combtails. In the F2 you would get a lot of different things, such as deltas/veils, CTs, combtails, DTs, comb DTs, and CT DTs. As for colours, it's anybody's guess. I bred a red cambodian to a copper-red recently and got some blue marbles out of it! Without any info on the betta's pedigree, there's no way to know for certain what colours they'll produce. For more info, here are a couple of sites I've found helpful :)
Isn't she just a doll? :wub: She is very entertaining too...she reminds me of a little kid...curious about everything.

I think I'll keep my eyes open for a nice colored crowntail male. Titan has never made a bubblenest since I've had him (not saying that means he wouldn't if given the right inncentive), and he seems like a snob to me. :lol:

Thanks for all of the compliments, and thanks for the those links Synirr. I found them really interesting and informative. And I'm a little irritated just made me want more bettas. :lol:

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