New Fancy Goldfish Tank Setup.


UKAPS member
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
Coventry, West Midlands
I currently have a 20gal long tank with 1 fancy (fan tail I believe) and a small group of WCMMs and zebra danios. I will be collecting a new tank tomorrow night as a replacement. The new tank is approx 47gal! (L=36" D=15" H=20") It comes with a Fluval 205. The existing tank has a Fluval 204 which I'll be moving over to the new tank.

I'm thinking maybe 2 more fancies at most, and then increasing the WCMM population, and maybe getting some "gold" WCMM's too. The tank will hopefully be quite well planted with various swords and similar broad leafed plants (will be testing what survives).

I will also be adding a heater to keep the temperature around the 20 deg C mark. Currently the tank is 18 deg C or there abouts. I want to do this to allow for slightly more tropical plants and the possibility of more temperate tank mates. I have read around and the general concensus is that this shouldn't be a problem, but the Goldfish will have a higher metabolism, so better filtration is a must.

I'll be running 2x Fluval 204 on the tank (205 will go elsewhere ;)) to make sure the filtration is good enough for potential increased waste production of the goldfish.
IMHO it would be best to keep the tank to just one fancy goldfish if you have a fantail (as they are some of the largest growing fancy goldfish), also you will be lucky if you can get plants to grow well in the tank as unfortunately the goldfish will most likely eat them :nod: .
IMHO it would be best to keep the tank to just one fancy goldfish if you have a fantail (as they are some of the largest growing fancy goldfish), also you will be lucky if you can get plants to grow well in the tank as unfortunately the goldfish will most likely eat them :nod: .

I'm not 100% that he's a fan tail, I might of meant veil tail but even looking at veil tails I'm not convinced. He was sold as an oranda but I doubt this too. He's getting on for 3 years old now and no Wen has formed. He looks a bit sleeker than an oranda but I could be wrong. I have a pic somewhere...


He's quite a lot bigger now, and a bit rounder but otherwise the same. Anyhow, do you really think 47gal isn't enough for more than 1 fish? That seems a little over the top?

He looks a little like this Chinese red veiltail, only not as round:

He looks the spitting image of one of my fish and I've always referred to mine as a plain old fantail. :)

I'd have thought you could have another two fancies in there easily, especially given the amount of filtration you have. I have four in my 180l (so 40 uk gal, or 47 us gal) with two fluval 205's and they're fine, although that's the absolute maximum amount of fish I'd put in there and I'd recommend that newbies stocked even lower. Depends how many water changes you want to do really!

They will eat almost every plant you put in there except for the really boring ones. ;) I keep my tank at 20c for planting purposes also and haven't experienced any problems. If anything I've noticed a decrease in swim bladder issues in my one fish who was prone to them so I think it's actually benefited them.
Hi Dev,

Exciting news about the new tank :D I think you should go with just 1 more fancy goldfish, as well as upping the numbers of the WCMM like you said.

Like I said on UKAPS plants will be trial and error, some goldies will eat anything and everything but if your lucky like me you'll get some that are well behaved and will only have a little munch on days when you skip feeding.

My planted goldie tank as of yesterday;


Plenty of different plants in there, including some riccia floating which is left alone, my goldies must know they'll be getting something much nicer if they just wait :lol:

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