New family member!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 23, 2003
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Sipping drinks on a deserted island.
Juan is planning on buying me a betta in the near future (we have to clean out the 2 gallon tank that will house him) and I am just curious what things I should look for when buying a betta?!
Responsiveness, physical deformities, white growth, lethargy...
Use a mirror and check if the betta flares. Research, research, research. :D
Congrats!!! You'll love him!

Of course coloring is important (I guess...really all bettas are beautiful in their own way, each is unique) here's the only betta buying tip I can give, it may sound corny....but look for the betta who's looking at you. I kid you not. When you're browsing through the cups try and find the betta who's watching ya :nod: ;)

Another factor is...some bettas are messier than others. If all the cups are dirty it will be hard to tell who's messy and who's not :/ But if you can tell the water has been recently changed and you see a few with somewhat dirty water, those are your messy bettas :rolleyes: , try and find a neat & tidy one :nod: :kana:

Are you going to cycle his tank or do 100% weekly changes?

I personally cycle my betta tanks and do 50% water changes using a small filter to suck up the debris that gets stirred up during the scooping part.. It works great!

Keep us posted! Can't wait to hear about your new fishy! :hyper:
What gets me looking at him in the first place is his activity. I try to look for an active one (as active as you can get in those cups lol) and his coloration.

When I pick up the cup I look at whether he shys away from me or begins to dart rapidly (usually not a good sign) Also, look for smooth scales, normal eyes (not cloudy or protruding), no poop hanging out, no visible signs of illness (fungus, ick, velvet, finrot, etc)
Hi cpowell :)

When you see him, you will know he's the one for you! :wub:

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