New External Filter Advice Please


Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2009
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I've just got a 200l tank with a Fluval 205 external filter.

I have 2 Fluval 2+ that I can take the mature media from and place it in the cannister to mature the biological ring things, but my question concerns the bottom tray in the stack.

The last tray is partitioned to take 2 carbon bags. As far as I understand it the carbon is for removing traces of meds from the water should it need treating.

What should I use in the bottom tray in place of it? Should I just buy a new bag of biological rings or something between the polyester pads and rings?

Its currently got the two fluval 2+ running it so I'd quite like to get the cannister running sometime fairly soon and will then leave another fluval 2+ in the tank to provide some nice flow

many thanks

Yes, shelf the carbon (don't bit it, it could be useful later...) and replace it with another media :good: I'd personally go with Bio-max bio-ceramics, but the choice realy is yours. With such a small surface area in those small baskets though, I'd avoid using floss. It will make an already hard to work (relative to other brands) and high maintanance (again relative to other brands) filter worse, as it will want opening weekly for floss replacement if you get even close to 1" per gallon in a 200l tank running a 205... Bringing me onto my next point, keep the 2+ going, the 205 isn't enough on its own :good: I'd have gone with the 305 if Fluval exturnals were the only filter I could run on it :sad:

All the best
Yeah, i've seen the other thread where there was some 'debate' over fluvals etc.

TBH it was all packaged as a kit so its being used as such. I've left one of the fluval 2+ in to back it up.

I shelved the carbon, and have replaced it with the mesh pads from the other fluval 2+ to load the bio media. I think I'll replace them with more bio rings then :)

My intention is to look for a better external, i have one off a firend that just needs some parts to get it going, and then keep the 205 for a smaller tank.

cheers for the advice


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