New Emerald Owner Needs Help!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2009
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chesterfield twp(detroit) MI
my black swordtails laid... are emerald coryies known fry munchers? in the time i released him and noticed the fry, i went to the store and came back 45 mins later and could only find one fry...
I haven't had trouble with cories eating fry, even their own fry. But I know Emeralds are larger then most cories. What else is in your tank?
beta(which i assume has to be eatting some) and ghost shrimp, and 2 very very small cheery barbs who's mouths are too small for the fry.
I would say the betta would have eaten the fry, more so then the cory. Where is the parents of the fry? What size is the tank? If you put lots of plants in the tank it will increase the chances of the fry surviving a whole lot more.
i just noticed the fry today when i purchased the cory and released. as i watching i saw a few dart in and out of one of the very dense plants. i just turned the light on and saw one of the female blckswords w/ here rear in the plant... im hopeing shes letting more out. the cory hasnt been in the tank but all of 8 hours tops.
it's most likely the swordtails eating the fry livebearer are notorius for munching their own fry if they can find them and so will the betta
Hi. Many livebearers rest on the bottom right after birth. Corys will Hoover them up in no time at all, especially larger specimens. It's quite a sight. - F.

As frank says cory's will eat fry resting on the botom of the tank, they also eat there own fry.... i knocked a container with 100 fry into the tank and with 10 mins of me getting the net ready to start or try to start catching i found 25 of the 100, it was bare bottom tank so it wasnt as if they were hiding lol (inhabitants of the tank were only the parents of the fry lol)


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