New Dog


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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Alright, so if you could have asny dog in the world, what kind would it be?
I'd want a Bichon...
We have a purebred yellow lab. He's really cute, and he never grew out of his puppy-ish face.
But...Bichons are small, poodleir(lol) and well....smaller.
One of my friends has a Bichon and she says I can baby sit I think thats what I want, lol.
My moms convinced I can take care of it, but it'll be hjarder for my dad. I don't really take care of our current dog, comet, lol.
Although, i can bring up that they didn't think I'd be responsible with fish, either.
My friends sister recommended carring a dead lizard (or fish in my case) craying all the time. It worked for her.
Funny story actually. She carried around a dead lizard for 2 weeks. She'd put it on the table and pet it, she'd sleep with it, she'd carry it in her back pocket.
Good times....

Anyways, if you could have any breed of dog you'd like, what would it be?
I alreayd said, but whatever - a Bichon.
I would either get a boston terrier or a french bulldog. My neice has some kinda white poofy dog but I dont like it, Im not really into those foo foo dogs.

Oh yeah and I have, well my mom has a pure bred chocolate lab. Since its not mine I dont have to worry about taking care of it even though every morning I let him out to go potty
Well, its not mine either. Its my dads. Atleast, thats who he gives his loyalty to. :rolleyes:
I also like.. Oh shoot, I foget what their called....The huge dogs. Mosterous. Amazing.
I'm partial to Irish Wolfhounds, but they don't have a long enough lifespan for my taste.
I'd probably just go with a mutt. That way I could get to know it at the shelter via volunteering for a while, and ask about how the temperament test went and if the animal has any health problems, before plunking down money and taking it home. I'm always leery of getting a puppy as you never know if it is going to have health problems in in-born behavioral tendancies that will pop up as they age.
Either a Husky or a Basenji. I have wanted a Husky since i was about 4 :lol: But they're just not practical with all my other pets as they'd kill them, and you can let them off the lead! I almost bought a Basenji back in the summer, but again they would kill my parrots and cats and run off :rolleyes:

So, im getting a pug :lol:
i'd love a pointer/setter type. either a pointer, gordon setter or irish setter, i think they're gorgeous.
i don't think i'll ever have the time or space for a doggy though :(
I would LOVE to have an American Bulldog or a Bloodhound! I think that they are the most adorable things! And, supposidly, those dogs are great with kids, and extremely loyal to their families. That's a super plus, considering I'll be having kids here in the near future. I just love the temperments of those breeds, though they're quite different from eachother. :lol: The thing is...I would never *BUY* a dog, because I just think that there are too many out there that need homes already. I have three great dogs and I didn't buy any of them. They're all mutts, all adorable, and all healthy and I love them to death! And as far as Bloodhounds go... I doubt I'll ever have the proper facilities to keep one. They need LOTS of roaming space, and I don't have that, especially not right now. But...if I ever happened to find one of those breeds that needed to be adopted... :hey:
^ I adore American Bulldogs. I've never met one I haven't liked. My boyfriend's dad had a *massive* one named Petey - nicest dog you'd ever meet, even though he looked like he could eat your head in one bite. They are such a cute breed, and they seem a bit more mellow than pit bulls and other "bully" breeds.
I would definately get another pit mix...I swore I'd never own a pit until my hubby and I rescued a 2 month old pit/shepard mix. Best, most MELLOW, 92 lb. lazy, easy going, even tempered dog I've ever seen. He's just a big cuddly schmoo dog! For a small dog I would have to go with a daushhound or a chihuaha (I would be scared Ra would smoosh them though!!!)
Bull dogs are pretty cool.
I like big dogs!
Bichons are the only small dogs I really like..
a pug, preferably black but im not too fussy, my mom and step dad have been talking about getting a staff after x mas but i will be the one getting up every moring to walk it so i think il get the choice in the end :p but if i was unable to have a pug it would have to be a border terrier.

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