It's only forever; not long at all...
Went to the lfs to get some danios, he gave me 9 for £5
They're mixed though, I've counted two zebra and the rest leopard. Anyway, having a look at them....
One has not much of a tail left. No sign of finrot, so I take it s/he's been nipped?
Some are quite fat. So are they eggbound? I'm not too bothered about breeding, just making sure its not dropsy. No pineconey scales. Anyway, I like them. Active little critters. They're pretty much fully grown too. BTW, I don't want more zebras as that will muck up my stocking and the zebras just seem part of the group.
One has not much of a tail left. No sign of finrot, so I take it s/he's been nipped?
Some are quite fat. So are they eggbound? I'm not too bothered about breeding, just making sure its not dropsy. No pineconey scales. Anyway, I like them. Active little critters. They're pretty much fully grown too. BTW, I don't want more zebras as that will muck up my stocking and the zebras just seem part of the group.