New Danios


Fish Aficionado
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
Commuting between Oaxaca, Mexico and Montreal, Can
Hi, I bought 4 danios, of which I would like to know their name. They are super fast swimming so I am glad I took some pictures while they were still in the bag. The pictures were taken with my cell phone and are not too clear unfortunately but hopefully somebody can help me out. Here they call them pearl danio. A very distinct feature is that their spine has an almost fluorescent band.

Hope somebody can help me identifying them. Thanks in advance.



pearl danios Danio albolineatus :good:
You just did one trigger for spawning.

Move them to a new tank!
Large water changes too.
Using marbels or medium sized round stones stop the adults eating the eggs.

What i like to do though id feed them very well for 2 weeks to condition the females, then quickly move then to a spawning tank.
Then with in 24 hours they will usually spawn.
You just did one trigger for spawning.

Move them to a new tank!
Large water changes too.
Using marbels or medium sized round stones stop the adults eating the eggs.

What i like to do though id feed them very well for 2 weeks to condition the females, then quickly move then to a spawning tank.
Then with in 24 hours they will usually spawn.

I do have round pebbles in my tank, and have more in stock, so that is good. The only problem will be to catch them! With all the live plants and the 2 pieces of wood (that have caves/holes in them) I feel like any fish that goes into the tank never gets out alive anymore!

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