New Crowntail Betta Stopped Eating


New Member
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Milpitas, CA
I bought a new crowntail betta (Triton) earlier this week. The first two days he was eating everytime I fed him (3-4 pellets a day) but then all of a sudden he's lost his appetite or something. He'll eat a pellet and spit it back out, and I swear he's giving me a dirty look! :grr: I have two other VT's that eat well with the pellets. I'm just worried about Triton since he hasn't eaten for the past 3 days. He seems to be healthy, swimming around actively in his tank. Should I buy flakes or those dried blood worms? Maybe he's used to what they fed him at Petsmart before I got him?

Should I wait and hope that he'll get hungry and eventually eat, or try new food?
He may be "backed up" in the tummy. Try copping a frozzen pea into little bits and let him have that. I would also go ahead with a water change and add a pinch of salt just in case.

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