New Corys


Fish Addict
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
i got my first lot of corydoras today. i bought them form work and i got 3 albinos and 3 peppered corys. at work everyone hung out together but now they are in my tank they have seperated and are acting entirely different. the peppered are hanging out on the bottom aniffing around, digging holes in the sand etc and the albinos are hanging out middle to top of the tank and VERY actively swimming back and forth andf up and down and all over the place. i have never seen them this active. is this normal? are they just more inquisitive than the peppered or is it something else?
My albino cories were at the bottom of the tank in the fish shop not doing much. But once they were home in their new tank, they went mental! Really active little characters, great fun to watch., and yes, as far as I'm aware this is normal for albinos. They do go to the bottom occasionally, like feeding time, then off they go again, back and forth, up and down, I'm surprised they don't wear themselves out!
phew!!! theyre normal lol i was a little woried about them wearing themselves out hehe they just go and go and go and go and go wish i had that much energy :)
It might have just been stress due to moving and getting to know the new area. Good to know hey are ok now. :good:

yeah they have settled down SIGHTLY but as the other post said, it was only to eat lol i released some veggie flakes at the bottom of the tank formy bottom dwellers (have kuhli loaches and bn plecos as well) and all of a sudden it turned into a whole new craziness hehe FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD lol
I have panda corys and when 1st bought them and got them home they did alot of mental darting about, then staying and hiding away. From other posts ive read on here its normal behaviour :good: they settle down eventualy.
I was actually going to ask this the other day :) We bought some julli corydoras on Saturday and though the main reason we chose them was because they were so active and funny, after a few minutes of hiding from our danios the first thing they did was start going up and down constantly. They are an odd combination, one minute they will be having these mad energy bursts, then they'll just sit down and act like catfish for a while before doing it again :)

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