new cory


Jan 31, 2005
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at my desk in iowa
ok i have 2 questions
1.if you mix different kinds of corys will they shoal?
2.what speicies is my new cory hes mostly grey with a black horazontile stripe?
Hi bettaboi :)

If you can, it's usually better to have several of the same kind of cory. They do prefer their own species to play and associate with.

There are, however, no species of cory that do not get along with others, so don't hesitate to get 3 of one kind and 3 of another, for example. I have many different kinds of corys and find that the thing that seems to effect their interaction most is size. With this in mind, I keep the biggest species together, etc. This seems to work out well.

Since the list SirMinion gave you is large and most species are seldom available in the lfs, if you narrow the choices down, we can help you decide which corys are most likely the ones you bought. :D

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