New Cory hasn't eaten yet


New Member
Aug 11, 2003
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:no: Poor Albino Cory...just got him @ Petsmart about 4 days ago...he seems sick or lonely :unsure: He jumps up for a gulp of air every now and then, but otherwise just lays on the bottom of the tank. He won't eat anything. :-( I bought shrimp pellets, because thats what the Petsmart guy said they eat, I've even put blanched zuchini and cucumbers at the bottom with no success! poor cory-cat is gonna die! :(
:hi: to the forum.

First need some info from you. How long has the tank been established? What are the water parameters? What other fish are you keeping with him? Size of the tank?

My first guess would be bad water conditions. If you don't have any test kits, go purchase some. Or take a sample of your water to the LFS and have it tested for ammonia, nitRITE, and nitRATE. I would be willing to bet its one of those.
Corydoras, as a general rule, are shoaling fish happier in groups of 3 or more (bigger the group the better). Impurs suggestion is important also, if a fish seems ill, the first thing to do is reach for the test kit. If water quality is ok then add more of his own kind if space permits. If he is still 'off colour' then he could be stressed from pH/Osmotic shock or equivalent. This can be due to the possibility that yours and the shops water parameters are vastly different. :)
This doesnt sound unusual for a cory. Does he scavenge around the gravel?
Cory's love their own kind. IMO, if it isn't water quality, then it's loneliness.

It's hard to imagine because unlike some other fish, these guys love their own and makes them more brave too.

impur, gibbo and lordmoose are onto something here.

The more the merrier when it comes to these cuties.
Ok here's the latest scoop...took my water sample to petsmart...turns out the water is fine (also bought a test kit for future reference) So being that the water was ok, I went ahead and got 2 other corys :fish: :fish: BTW...they are different from the first species, one is spotted, other is grey. This seemed to perk up my albino a bit, however he still hasn't eaten as far as I can tell. The new corys are lively, sucking up every morsel my albino hasn't touched for days. Albino cory seems to swim around a little more now. Here's something else I noticed....from observing the others...they keep their lips puckered and whiskers moving, but albino keeps his lips and whiskers tucked in most of the time....think he has a hurt sucker?

Also someone asked what other fish I have:
2zebra danios
2silver w/ black bar tetras
1small silver fish w/ red fins, he's the same size as the danios (sorry cant remember what it's called, it was only the free fish of the month)
And now...3different types of cory catfishes
oh yeah...1 little tiny snail that came attached to the plant I bought
they should keep a pinned article on corydoras here.

ok now for your problem. you need to get albinos not any other kinds or else your albino still wont be happy. so this is what you get 2 more albino corys. and your cory will be happy. ;)

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