New Cories!


Fish Crazy
Jul 7, 2011
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I was thinking of having 2 pepper cories and 2 bronze cories 3 girls and 1 boy, one boy(i know it should be 2 female to 1 male) Is it bad to keep different breeds of cories together?
Yes and no. Some people dont support keeping different cories together because they may breed and create a hybrid, and lots of people have something against hybrids, especially if you sell or give away the offspring. If you dont plan to distribute your baby corys however, i dont see why not. At one point i kept peppers, pandas, and striped corys together and they were all very very happy.
I've never heard of cories hybridizing...
The reason cories should be kept with their own kind is because they're a shoaling species. They do much better and are much happier and funner to watch with at least 6 of their own kind.

I'd suggest you get 5 or 6 of 1 kind, if you want happy cories.
its fine to mix groups of 5/6 or more, but when you are talking about 1 or two, then no, its best not to.
I have to agree with Tizer and AH36 - they really do prefer to be in a group of their own species. I have had 7 peppered cories and 1 panda cory (long story) and today added five juvenile pandas (after quarantine). The big panda instantly went and swum along with the little ones, and I haven't seen him alone since.

He appears to be leading a tour group around the tank :D

Definitely go for a larger group of one species if you can get them.

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