New Coral


New Member
Jan 19, 2009
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East Lansing, MI.
I am new to coral and today I bought 3 kenya trees. However they all came planted in a blue plastic pot-like objects. I'm just not sure what I need to do to plant them properly. Right now I just planted the blue pot and the base of the corals under the sand. Should I pull them out of the pots and connect them into the live rock? Please advise
What's a Kenya Tree?

most true corals don't do well if they are covered in sand. They normally grow on clean hard surfaces like limestone rock or old dead coral skeleton. Can you post a picture of the coral and we might be able to id it and give you more advise?
ok gotcha on tree corals. They should not be planted in anything but need to be put on a hard surface so they can attach to it If they are buried in substrate they will often rot around the base.

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