New Copper Ct Male Is Here!


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Well, as some of you know from past threads, the copper Ct male I got at the last betta show turned out to be a flop and wouldn't bubblenest or care for eggs. I already have the PERFECT copper-black plakat female to start my CT plakat line with and want desperately to breed her while she's in her prime so I'll have a chance of crossing the offspring to a superblack plakat I've got before he's too old, so I set about finding a new copper CT ASAP... lucky for me, Kelly was able to hook me up in no time! The new boy arrived in the mail today, fit as a fiddle and looking wonderful. Unfortunately he has to live in one of the tupperware containers I used for the juvies until I have the chance to buy him something better, but he looks very primising ;)

Who did you say his breeder was, Kelly?


And here's Grandpa, the male who wouldn't breed, bless him. He's retired to a 2.5 gallon. The female turned him into a plakat after the second spawning attempt when he wouldn't even wrap with her :X

This is what he looked like before
:drool: *picks jaw up off ground* Gosh, you gotta love coppers...... :hyper:
Oh wow! How very nice of wuv! :D

I’d love to see a real side shot of the new guy so we can see his pretty fins a bit better.

I’m glad old grandpa is doing ok. Poor guy, though he’s sorta cute as a PK :lol: :p

I hope the new one works out a lot better for you! :)
Hey Synirr, no problem. He came from Team Betta Bite in Singapore, he may have been bred by Mark - but if not it was definitely someone from that club. Sorry I can't offer more info.
I like how he has 2 rays on his caudal, except a couple of little stray ones in the middle that have 4, haha :p
I'll pop him in a beanie box and take better pics once I get back from Thanksgiving with my aunt tomorrow!
I can't wait to see more pictures of the new guy! :) He looks gorgeous already! :wub:

Sorry to hear your other guy wasn't ment to be a dad. *crosses fingers and hopes this male is better*
I like how he has 2 rays on his caudal, except a couple of little stray ones in the middle that have 4, haha :p
I'll pop him in a beanie box and take better pics once I get back from Thanksgiving with my aunt tomorrow!
From what I've heard- that club is big on four ray crowns. They love crowns period, I'm sure you remember all of those that Mark brought with him in water bottles back in June (or July?)
More pics!:


He looks so pointy and sharp :blink:

What a funny cactus :p You'll end up with some gorgeous CTPK's, if I could just get these damned SD's to spawn I'd be halfway a third way there myself.... At this rate I'm going to end up getting a whole new pair altogether :X
very nice Synirr! Good luck with the spawn. How long will you condition him for before trying to spawn him? I hage a pair now that I got yesterday. I only had room in a 5gallon for him with her in a 2L pop bottle within the 5G.

I though my other spawn attempts had males that followed females around trying to attract them! Boy was I wrong. I've never seen a male dance like this in front of the female before. He was flared and wiggling his body right against the pop bottle. She's been following him around like mad, and she barred up almost instantly.


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