New Copper Babies


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Shipped Monday and they just now arrived, ugh. All 8 (yes, 8! :hyper: ) are alive and well. They're tiny little 2 month olds, so they were shipped 4 to a bag. Here they are acclimating and meeting their new siblings... not that you can see them through the bags :*)
More pics to come tomorrow when I got back from a trip out of town and they have settled in.

"Woah, who are those guys??"

"Hey little buddies!"
very nice how many do you have in that tank now that red 1 in the 1st pic is B E A UTIFUL! :D they all are
Well technically they are still quarantined aren't they? :D They're still in baggies.

From what I can see they look awesome! :)
Did you not quaritine them first?
Nope, I never do (shame on me.) If they survived shipping in those bags for 5 days at 2 months old, trust me, they're healthy! :lol:
I always just give new fish a quick once-over, and pop them in the tank if I don't spot any obvious signs of disease. Let's face it, I don't have the will power to own a quarantine tank... I mean hey, it'd just be empty most of the time. An empty tank is a crime against humanity.

Here they are, all healthy and sparkling and new :wub:
It's freaky how easy it is to tell them apart from my own fry... they're just shaped different and have light eyes instead of the dark ones all my dark babies


New guy in the middle

All new guys except for the one on the right
I still cannot belive the price of all them. That was the best deal! I'm getting three for $10, and you got all 8 for cheaper!

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