New CO2 not working


Fish Crazy
Feb 11, 2003
Reaction score
Houston, Tx, USA
I just bought a new CO2 system. I didn't go DIY because it was just as expensive to make one as to buy this one. BUT, I can't get this one to work. I set it up on Saturday (3/8) and it still isn't putting anything out. I added sugar up to the line and put water up to the other line, and added the "stabalizer" and "activator," but to no avail. TIA for any help.
Sounds like you yeast is not activating. It is either placed in a area that is too cool, or perhaps you mixed in in water that was too hot, or none of the above. Have you tried starting over from the beggining again carefully following directions?
:/ I am such an IDIOT. (its ok I know I am) I unscrewed it to check the yeast, and it smelled like fresh baking bread. So, I put the cap back on and BINGO in like 5 min. it was pumping it's little heart out. I figured out that the lid must have been mis-threaded when I put it on first, and letting gas escape that way.

The good news is that---It works!!! :D

Now if I can just get the snails to stay off the difusser. :crazy:
sounds like the hagen one! cool little blighters them!

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