New Cichlids


New Member
May 29, 2004
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Albany, New York
My husband and I just got a 55 gal tank (good deal at a garage sale --- tank, wood stand, double bio wheel filter, underground filter w/ 2 powerheads, double light strip, rocks , and other assorted things for $100).....We decided to set it up as a cichlid tank.

Today we purchased 2 yellow labs, 2 blue striped kenyi, and 2 jewel ciclids......I know you can't mix certain kinds...these are all african, other than that I am not sure what region they are from......are these ok to mix????

Also what other types of fish can go with these???

Boy this is an addicting hobby LOL!!!!
I would not keep the juwel cuase they are a riverine sopecies you should get at least one more lab and two more kenyi's probally more with agrisive mbuna like kenyi you need a male female balance of 1 male to three females the best way to do this is to buy alot of fish and return the ones that are the wrong sex, you will also need to overstock your tank this will reduce the agrision plan for about ten twelve fish

goodluck with the mbuna tank ;)
here are a couple of fish in the new tank..couldn't get a really clear one of the blue kenyi one...will have to try again



Amazeing pics, i think you are going to want more rocks in their, a nice big stack of them mbuna are very territorial fish and need their hidey holes but won't use plants,

I love my kenyi but i'm not sure that's what he is he was sorta pink, and each day he/she turns more orange on the body and get's more blue on his/her fins,

He was labeled as a kennyi, but juvies are suposed to stay blue with blue strips, and males turn orange while females stay the same, while some turn yellow for some reason? often temporary (blah)
the jewels will probably become more agressive as they age. With their tempermant and the kenyi's agressive behavior they are not a good combination.

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