New Cichlid Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jun 25, 2004
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Sioux Falls, SD
I was planning on having my dad's 55 gallon saltwater tank. He has bad algea problems and there is pinkish algea that is almost impossible to scrape off. What can I do to get rid of it. Also what kinds of cichlids that don't get to be huge, and are fairly easy to take care of and I can find pairs of.
you could try white vinegar to get the algae off. not to sure about it though. white vinegar is an acid. i have used it to clean off residue on tanks before with much success. make sure that you rinse the vinegar off when you are done though.

as for pairs of fish you could go with labs, shelldwellers, kribs, rams are a few. most of the african cichlids are polygamous and require a ratio of 3 females to every male. the more females lowers the aggression of the male.

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