New cichlid tank


Happy to be back!!
Oct 16, 2003
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Southern IL
Ok,this is a TEMPORARY holding tank for 5 scianochromis fryeri (small juveniles) until I get all of the equipment I need to cycle the 55. This tank is cycled,and I crudely decorated it for vision blocks and not 'easy on the eye' purposes since it is only temporary. Please tell me if I need to change anything,or add some stuff to lower aggression if I did anything wrong. It's a 20 gallon long tank. Thanks! :)

**This is my first cichlid tank ever! Any help or tips would be much appreciated!**


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maybe a couple fake plants to add some color? I think amazon swords look nice in cichlid tanks.
I think it looks great but the fish might apreciate a less open tank the pot's look really nice but maybe turn one or to away from the wall

you did an amazing job i never seen pot's stacked but it really does look nice and the fish should love it

those are africans right
Well, with my tanks I try to imitate the area that the fish dwell in naturally. So you might consider some type of stacking at each end of the tank with a more open middle area. Also, my experience with using pots and cichlids is if you enlarge the hole at the bottom and put them in the tank upside down they seem to like them more. Doesn't feel enclosed enough on its side facing the front of the tank.

"Located throughout the lake. Found in a variety of habitats, all contain rocks. Often found in caves or hiding in cracks in the rockwork. Diet in the wild consists of small fish.
The aquarium should have some rockwork but still provide open swimming space both along the bottom and mid-tank region. Feed a quality cichlid flake/pellet food, supplement occasionally with frozen brine, krill or mysis". Got this info from a great site called Malawi Mayhem.

One of my favorite cichlid sites has a profile on that fish as well, here is a link
cichlid forum info page

hope some of this is helpful! :D
Well I'm not going to add any plants because it's temporary and I'm not worried about a showy tank or anything,just to keep them comfy until they get the new huge tank. I just wanted to keep them comfy. :)

I will adjust the pots,thanks for the suggestion. :)

Thanks for the link treefrog,I'm on my way to check it out right now. :thumbs:
But, plants will make them comfy, won't they? :-( :-( :-(

Just kidding. Maybe some more places where they can hide from site. It will make them feel more secure that they can hide where no one can see them if they want. Then they know they are safe and might come out more and won't get stressed out. :D
Nice tanks HS what are u going to put in them?

I like the pots they look nice put some Plants in there and maybe some rocks, :)
WELLLLLLLLLL........LOL Okay,I have two rolls of plastic plants that I could cut up and add some...You broke me down. :lol:

I know the 20 long is kinda small for em at the moment,so I didn't want to get too comfy with them in there. BUT I guess i could cut up some lace leaf and the other stuff and put some in there. I heard they love to dig em up and tear up tanks so I wasn't ganna...But I will. :D

I kinda didn't want to add rocks so water volume wouldn't go down too much...20 is already cramped. :dunno:
Nice tanks HS what are u going to put in them?

Electric blues. :hyper: For now...I have to order another filter and heater for the 55,I sold them not thinking I would kick the pythons out and put fish in it..SHAME ON ME!! :*) :lol:

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