New Cichlid tank


Do ya feel lucky punk?
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 16, 2004
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Hi all,

I would like to set up an African Cichlid Tank and would really appreciate some advice on compatible fish. I have purchased and setup a 4ft deep tank which holds approx 48 gallons (UK). At the moment, I have 1 sailfin Plec, 3 Clown loaches and 1 Silver shark in this tank. The decor of the tank is based on rocks with plenty of hiding places, a power filter and 1 large airstone with, both with adjustable flow.

The information I have obtained so far indicates that the CL's and the plec will be fine with medium sized Cichlids but I am unsure as to thye SS.

I intend to buy juvenile Cichlids and let them grow with the above mentioned tank mates (who are also juveniles) and I thought I would buy only 1 of each Cichlid as i do not wish to breed them and I would like to avoid the agressiveness of brooding parents. Is this a good/practicle idea?

I would also appreciate some examples of compatible Cichlids for this setup (common names please, not Latin).

Thanks in advance to anyone who replies. :D
A 4 foot tank gives you a few options. Do you have any species in mind? Do you know if you would prefer Mbuna or Haplichromines?

I highly recommend learning or writing down the scientific names. Common names can be different around the world, and are often misused, so that people end up with a different fish then they had thought. In addition, many species simply don't have common names, despite the fact that fish stores will make them up to make it easier for people.
not really suitable. african cichlids require a higher ph than the fish you have allready and its not advised to mix. also the silver sharks should be kept in more that two's as they are a schoaling fish and also your tank will be too small for them. They are also very skittish and would hate being in a malawi tank with all that agression. and like i say...completely different water conditions. I would have a retink if i were you.

If you want africans in this tank you would need to rehome the silver sharks (they will get too big anyway) and the convicts.
He doesn't have any convicts. I have one convict with 2 balas and all i was saying was that they are fine together. Obviously mbuna's are completely different, this is why I have a seperate tank for them. I was just giving other options rather than mbuna's and african cichlids if he still wanted cichlids and didn't want to get rid of his bala. :D
Why don't you try a cheap cichlid put him in there, and see what happens, that would probaly be the only sure way on what happens.
That advice is bad on so many levels, I don't even know where to begin. Maybe someone will take it up, but suffice it to say, you should NOT just buy a "cheap cichlid" and throw him in there to see what happens. :crazy: :no:
cichlid freak said:
Why don't you try a cheap cichlid put him in there, and see what happens, that would probaly be the only sure way on what happens.
that seems sensible.....NOT!! :no:
Ok first thing is you have to read on other forums besides this one. Certain cichlids don't get along with each other. Some are also very demanding, while others are easy. Africans are not something you want to "Test Out" they can die out right or can kill everything in your tank in one day. Best forum I went on to learn from is the forum to learn about african cichlids. Also, beautiful african cichlids are quite expensive, and do better in groups some require only 3-4 and others require 12 or more to keep the peace. Also take a look at some of the cichlids on line... find the ones you like and read about them. Just giving you some advice before you jump into this. B)
african cichlids like to swim horizontil so i think that the four foot tall tank is not going to be very wide for them to swim.
cichlid freak said:
african  cichlids like to swim horizontil so i think that the four foot tall tank is not going to be very wide for them to swim.
I'm pretty sure the tank is 4 ft. wide, I think that is a typo.
Snuff said:
cichlid freak said:
african cichlids like to swim horizontil so i think that the four foot tall tank is not going to be very wide for them to swim.
I'm pretty sure the tank is 4 ft. wide, I think that is a typo.
4ft from side to side is and odd length of tank for a 46G. 33Long, 55G, and 75G are all 4ft. So I wonder what these dimensions are? Gotta be a low or skinny tank. 33L is a goofy looking tank.
46 Gallon UK = 55 Gallon U.S.

The standard 55 gallon u.s. tank is 48"long, 12" deep, and 21" tall. This would be my guess as to the tank being referred to.

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