New C. trilineatus


Jul 31, 2007
Reaction score
Norwich, UK
I got 2 new corys yesterday, my first corys I've owned :)

I bought 2 Three-Line Corys, very cute. I just need to try and find out what sex they are now :)
A picture of the 2:

sorry for posting the picture, but just had to show how cute my 2 were :)
Hi slakey :)

I've removed your post from the bottom of that old one and given it a fresh start. Your new additions deserve it! :wub:

Can you get a picture of them, looking down from the top? How long are they? Some fish are harder to tell apart while they are still young.

You can post pictures right in this forum, so don't hesitate.
ok thanks :) erm it would be fairly hard to get a picture from birds eye view.
1: i have a poor camera
2: other fish highly active/always moving
and 3: i would have to move my filter head...

but i shall try my best.

is there another way of sexing them?

would you be able to sex them from a belly shot? *they sometimes swin up the glass on their bellys ^_^
Hi slakey n:)

Does one of them look bigger than the other, especially wider? When you bought them, did you ask for a pair? Or did you pick out the two biggest ones in the tank>

Looking down you can see their forms best, but it's sometimes possible to tell them apart by comparing the size and shape of their ventral fins. This is not always easy to do since they are often sitting on them. The female's will be larger and more rounded than the males.
my corys are always swimming mid to top area of the tank, is this ok behaivour or is something wrong?

sorry im new to the fish world, could you possibly show me a picture of where the ventral fin is.

is it the fin towards the back of the body, near the tail?

no i didn't ask for a pair or pick out the two biggest
Hi slakey :)

This is a picture of two corys in the process of spawning. The male is the smaller of the two. The female is holding eggs between her ventral fins. They are the ones toward the center of her body. This took place just before she got up and pressed the eggs onto the glass.


This thread has some good pictures by Coryman, down toward the bottom, as well as a discussion of the various ways to determine the gender of corys. Still, if your fish are young, you might have to wait a while longer to be sure.;#entry1802307
ok thanks for that, from what I have just currently seen I think I have 2 males, but I'm not 100% sure as of yet. Need them both to flair their ventral fins.
Hi slakey :)

Unless you are planning to breed them one day, it doesn't matter what their genders are. As long as they have companions of their own species they are happy. If you have room to get more, they would like it even better. :D
well i just want to make sure that they won't surprise me with eggs out of the blue, since im un prepared for that as i currently have 11-13 guppy fry, and only have 1 tank at the moment.

but yeah, i understand what your saying :)

i need to get 2 more zebra danios and 3 more guppies to level out...

2 males*guppy* so i need 4 females (i currently have 1 female) but i do have fry, which will hopefully save me spending money on the 3 female guppies :)

1 female *danio* need another female and 1 male

but i will buy maybe 2 more three-line corys if i can fit them in the tank :)

EDIT: I lie i have a 2ft x 1ft x 1ft tank laying on my bedroom floor, just no where to put it unless i re-arrange my tv unit... has a storage place...
Hi Slakey

my little ones love cucumber, when they eventually find it! They also enjoy peas, minus the shell. :)
I may have found some eggs but then again I may not have.

I have found bubble like things on the front of my glass, and in the bubbles are little white dots...
Now it might be the particles you get from the EasyBalance treatment for the white dots, and then possibly some type of algae around the outside but theres about 20-30 and theres about 9 batches of it over the front of my glass.

I did get a picture but its poor quality, and you can't see it very well..
So if any of you have pictures of eggs from a three-lined corydoras please show as I'd like to know if they're eggs or not.

I'm mostly guessing there not, but I want to be sure.
My corydoras love a wide variety of foods. Generally it takes corydoras about a week before they seem to be able to actually focus on eating. It seems to just take a few days for them to get used to their surroundings, then after that, they're pretty hearty eaters :).

God Bless,

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