New Budgies :)

fishing for info

Fish Fanatic
Mar 18, 2009
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I used to have a beautiful green/yellow budgie, who sadly died of possibly a cold. I was too inexperienced to notice the major signs, and he was so playful and hyper at most times. But anyways, two new fellas :hey: Cute baby spangled blue and turqoise :D
I only got them a few hours ago but have already noticed something i noticed quite a bit on my old budgie. The timid turqoise has poop around his vent, just a tiny little blob, no where near as much as the old one used to get; but that passed very quickly after a reluctant bathtime. as i say, it's just a little bit, is it worth seeing a vet? I'm worried about putting more stress on them as they're just settling in. Help please? thaanks :) i'll put pics on of the newcomers asap :nod: regards
hi would really need to see pics to help but mess around the vent isnt good and no advice any of us could give would be as sound as a vet looking in person cover the cage for tonight and let them settle in dont stress them too much and keep them out of draughts cold will not kill a budgie draughts and damp will hope to see some pics of them soon :)
good luck scot :)
I'd say give them a day or two to "settle" in. The bird might just have gotten scared being transported and being in a new environment; also he might just have had a one off bad stomach - it can happen. If the shop had fed them greens or fruits - they can get a bit "messy" the day after - they often get the runs from eating stuff like that - it's not bad; it's just that it is full of water. I feed my two apple and the day after they are "messy" but then they are back to normal again.
Thanks both of you for the help :good: .
I've sussed now that doodle probably died of internal bleeding, makes me feel so much worse really :unsure: but it happened to a friend and what they described with behavior was an exact match. i think it was from when we let her out a day or two before and she might have hit her head whilst flying or something. i was wondering why she was wedging her head between the bars, turns out, bless her, she was putting pressure on her head to relieve some of the pain of the throbbing. i'm sure this will haunt me now for ages that i couldnt do anything to help her :sad: . I thought she was just excited to get out again. But I am going to go to all the websites where i found people who described similar problems to this (i think there were quite a few) and warn them because maybe if there was a clear answer like that when i looked, this might not have all happened.
Sorry about droning on like that. the new fellas are adorable a bit scared though :) yep his bum has cleared up now and they're looking lovely :) thanks again

This attatchments thing is being a real bummer and not letting me upload because the pics are too big. anyone know how to minus the KB of the photo?

Ahh and if anyones interested in suggesting, i'm looking for names for these two :D
1-spangled sky blue, quite on the large side ;) but very curious and confident... and loud! also clumsy at times and very greedy :)

2-spangled gorgeous marine/green turqoisey color. petite but eats quite often. timid shy little guy, but i did notice a very cute thing on the journey bringing them home, was that this one was almost looking after the blue, who was petrified at the time. this faithful bird huddled up and shadowed over the others eyes, running it's beak accross the others back every now and then.

I'd appreciate any suggestions :)

Oh and i actually dont have any pics of the newbies yet. they're still getting used to us, they're very timid little'ns but i will get pics as soon as they allow ahaha and hopefully it might not be too many bytes?
oh and yes, the breeder fed them apple in the travelling box on the day they came over so thanks for the info dipsydoodlenoodle . and yep, thanks for the luck scot :D ahah they're safe from drafts and i've found a perfect spot for them on my desk in my room which is reasonably warmer than downstairs. our house is quite chilly all year round ahah so i think ive found a nice space up here.
Yay, i can find a few pics of Doods but i might have to do them in seperate posts to get the space

Before you say it, bird experts, yes i think she's a boy, but silly inexperienced me thought she was a girl and seeing as she lived her life with me thinking that, i'd like to just imagine her as a girl :)


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haha the toy you have in the background of your last photo; I just bought at the weekend for my two birds.

I wanted to call one of my birds Richard (or Dick...Dickie bird) but I couldn't tell anyone without laughing hysterically; so I went for something more sensible.

If you have two call them names you like or something funny; or after a famous duo...

My first bird when I was tiny was called Peter (female) we think after 2 little dicky birds sitting on a wall, one named Peter, one named Paul...etc

Then I got Jamie (my mam liked the name); then his friend was Jessie (after Jessie James the cowboy), then we had Cassie (after Butch Cassidy and The sundance kid) then I ran out of cowboy names I liked; then I got Ziggy (Ziggy Stardust - I liked the name Ziggy) and then Ozzy (I was going with the music theme - Ozzy Osbourne).

My Jessie was a perfect gentleman; he showed new birds around the cage showing them where their water was, and their food and showing them how to get into and out of the tank. Then he'd stare at the new bird and then he'd be best friends. Jessie was a "classic" budgie colour that most people avoid....he was olive green (lovely) with a blue tail...I'd seen him in the shop for ages and thought no I don't like his colour....I eventually got him and he was gorgous and he has had by far the best personality out of everyone I've had; he was my little boy!

I like names which are related; our friend had a bird called Sky - she was could name your blue one something like Sky or something related and your aqua one - something sea related?

Have you thought of names yet?
Awwh Jessie sounds wonderful :wub:

Yes that roulette mirror toy was a very big hit with Doodle. Her favourite toy, joint with the swing/bell. Though sometimes she had little arguments with herself in the mirror :lol: It was adorable to watch. She was fascingated at the little ball rattling round as she spun it, but sometimes was a bit stupid and would climb onto the top and balance on the wobbly spinner :D Hope it proves just as well with you

I think the names Ronnie and Reggie are adorable for brothers :) but then again, i called my old twin brother guinea piggies those names and i wouldn't like to reuse the names. My sister came up with Lloyd and George? not sure how they link. something she learnt in history ahaha. So that's a possbility?


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