New Breeding Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
Redcar UK
hi there

i am new to tropical fish and have bought a Jewul 120, which is finally up and running well, took over 2 months but getting there.

Anyway i have several guppies and would like them to breed as i understand they do this alot.

i bougth a second hand aqua one 320 tank to house any offspring.

my question is, the under gravel filter in this tank, does it require any filteration material in it, like filter wool? i have looked on the net and as i understand it there is no filteration materals used at all, and the gravel acts as the filter is this correct?

Also to start this tank off, would it be quicker and safer to use the water from my current tank, as this will have already cycled will this make the new tank cycle quicker.

Phew, a lot i know but i appreciate the help
hi there

i am new to tropical fish and have bought a Jewul 120, which is finally up and running well, took over 2 months but getting there.

Anyway i have several guppies and would like them to breed as i understand they do this alot.

i bougth a second hand aqua one 320 tank to house any offspring.

my question is, the under gravel filter in this tank, does it require any filteration material in it, like filter wool? i have looked on the net and as i understand it there is no filteration materals used at all, and the gravel acts as the filter is this correct?

Also to start this tank off, would it be quicker and safer to use the water from my current tank, as this will have already cycled will this make the new tank cycle quicker.

Phew, a lot i know but i appreciate the help

the water doesnt actually hav a lot of bacteria in it, its actually the filter that has the bacteria, which is essential 4 a fish tank. u either hav 2 cycle the new tank (there is a thread on cycling, ill get the link) which takes a month or so, buy a sponge filter and get some filter media, like a piece of mature sponge from a mature tank, which will help the tank 2 cycle quicker, or i think there is bacteria u can buy at the store, and that cycles the tank instantly (i think). so basically adding tank water 2 the new tank will do absolutely nothing 4 u. u should buy a test kit and test ur tap water and ur current tanks water. ppl correct me if im wrong. oh and by the way, i hav no idea wut filter wool is so... ? oh and how big r ur tanks?

my breeding tank is about 35lts very small,

fitler wool is the white wool like materal used in filters, in the UK we call if filter wool.

as this is an undergravel filter i cant see where any filter materials would go
Actually several people on here will point out as I will that undergravel filters really serve no real purpose in filtration, and simply are a waist of time and will limit the amount fish/types/etc. I would simply use a external or internal filter, and get rid of the undergravel.

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