New Breeding Project


A True Oddball
Jul 12, 2005
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UK, Nr Chester

As some of you know I lost my two breeding bronze corydoras early last week, :-(

I went back to the not-so-lfs again today, and they only had very small baby bronze's, but they had a lot of Trilineatus who were all around the same size as my bronze's when they passed on. So I spent a good 10-15mins watching them and trying to wrok out which were male and which were female.


I asked the owner of the aquatics department if he agreed with me, and we took another 10mins watching together to see if there were males and females. To cut it short we found a good looking female and a male, and I happily purchased them a little expensive mind you, but for the size I wasn't too bothered (£4.99)

They are both in one of my community tanks along with another Trilineatus and what I now believe to be a C.sodalis. The other Trilineatus I've had for around 9months and it hasn't grown at all? it still around 1/2-1"

but seems fine and happy.

Well hopefully once these two are settled in I am going to try and get them to breed, anyone have any tips on breeding these or shall I stick to the standard cool water change method?

now to get that female full of eggs :nod:

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