new breeder


Jul 18, 2005
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im new to guppys but i decided to try it any ways. i got 2x10gals 1 is empty an the other has NICE blue an black finned males an females an the males have kinda greenish bodys. any ideas on how to ...enlighten the mood?
Are you kidding me? All u have to do is add fish and its like penthouse...they go at it like wild dogs. Wait a few weeks they give birth like every 4 weeks
lmao! :D thx for clearing it up for me. any one have a pic of them spawning so i can know what to look for :p
I assume you have homes lined up for a couple hundred fry? And that's just in the first few months. I suggest you really think about all these fry, and such, because you can easily be over-run.

And all the males and females need to be seperated when they are older, so they don't breed, because Guppies really don't need to be inbred anymore then they are now. So you'll need a couple big tanks for that. :)

The actual breeding is very quick. The male just goes up next to the female, jiggles...and wha-la...she's pregnant.

Please think about all the fry you will get, and that all of them need homes. Not everyone considers that, and then they get over-crowded tanks with fry. :/
yup yup the lady at fish store that only sells normal crappy guppys said she would take all that i can dish out :D
Okay, so you have a couple big tanks ( that can grow up seperate males and females until they are 6 months old? Because usually Petstores don't take them as fry...and at 5-6 months they are mature. I don't think 10 gallons are quite going to cut it for growing up a lot of fry to 6 months. By then they'll be 1", and you can really only keep 5-6 per 10 gallon. So unless you let a lot of them get eaten...I don't think the 10 gallons will work. Sorry. :X

I think a few 20 gallons, or so would be better if you really want to be serious about this. :) Or just keep 5-6 per 10 gallon, and grow them up.
mhm...i sooo have 2 more 20gals...but i really REALLY dont have the room. so i guess the fry will just be oscar food...hey what ever saves me money
What temperature is your water, they like it a little warmer to breed, about 78*.
You should manage to grow some to full size in a 10 gal, I have before now.

Good luck. :thumbs:
Yes, Ddraig Goch, some. But not nearly all the ones the females will have in that time. That's my point. :)

Okay long as you have this all planned out. Just be prepared for a LOT of fry...and have fun breeding! :thumbs:
I understood our point Annastasia, but I just think that it is better to save some rather than give up any hope and feed them all to the oscars, I think you'll agree. :)
I said to give up hope? I said you could keep 5-6 per 10 gallon. I said you can't grow up all the fry she has in a 10 gallon. I don't believe I ever said to give up hope, though? :huh:

Ah well, my point is: Yes, grow up some in a 10 gallon. However, I would not try to grow up all of them, because you will get a very overstocked tank. And remember to do water changes often, because fry need good water quality, especially Fancy Guppies. Good luck breeding! :)
Annastasia said:
I said to give up hope? I said you could keep 5-6 per 10 gallon. I said you can't grow up all the fry she has in a 10 gallon. I don't believe I ever said to give up hope, though? :huh:

No you didn't say to give up but Alix's post....... >mhm...i sooo have 2 more 20gals...but i really REALLY dont have the room. so i guess the fry will just be oscar food...hey what ever saves me money<....... seemed to imply that all hope was lost. :)
Ahhhh...gotcha. :D

Yeah, Alix...try to save a couple. They really are fun fish to grow up, and see how they turn out. :nod:
ok ill grow up some. but once i start to get "ALOT" ill jus give away or sell the females to the lps all she has are crappy feeder guppys so i think she could use some more...even if its just introducing a new line into her mix cuz trust me ALLLLLLL her guppys are soooooo imbred she started with 1 male an 2 females in a 10gal. now shes got a 55gal(jus for guppys) an theres ALOOOOT prolly in the 50+ range.

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