New Boy~


Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
After losing my betta Toby I decided I was going to make sure my tank was fully cycled before I bought another betta.
It finally cycled and I bought my new boy today!
He is very charming and big, and I know he will live healthy for a long time!

His name is Gilbert.
He is gorgeous!!  That color is called dalmation(see the darker orange dots?) for your information and is a sought after color pattern by many a breeder (not normally veiltails but still).  I wish you much better luck wih this guy.  From everything that I can see he looks very healthy with vibrant colors and looks active.
Wildbetta said:
He is gorgeous!!  That color is called dalmation(see the darker orange dots?) for your information and is a sought after color pattern by many a breeder (not normally veiltails but still).  I wish you much better luck wih this guy.  From everything that I can see he looks very healthy with vibrant colors and looks active.
awesome!! I immediately saw him in the store and bought him. The crown tails looked like toby and the veiltails were just red and blue. He looks so beautiful in the light he is almost white :>
He's really pretty! I'm a little bit jealous of his coloring :) I love Bettas.
Betta_Shark5678 said:
He's really pretty! I'm a little bit jealous of his coloring
I love Bettas.
:'D thank you! I couldn't believe he was a "regular betta" and that he cost the same as all the red and blue ones... He is just so handsome ^^'
Congratulations and welcome back YamiHime :) 
Wishing you lots of success with Gilbert, he looks lovely.
RCA said:
Congratulations and welcome back YamiHime

Wishing you lots of success with Gilbert, he looks lovely.
:'D Thank you~ Gil is actually doing very well and he has such a funny personality. He's eating which made me relieved and he swims around very happily.
I have a male that looks almost the same, but he has blue eyes and almost a light violet color streak in his tail. Congrats! I also "saved" mine from a local pet store.
PeachesNCream said:
I have a male that looks almost the same, but he has blue eyes and almost a light violet color streak in his tail. Congrats! I also "saved" mine from a local pet store.
ahh that's so cool~ Actually I watch Gil swim around and I think he has blue eyes too! Sometimes it looks like he has a light purple in his take too~

phoenixgsd said:
ooh hes stunning
:> thank you

I havnt been on this forum for a week or 2 so I was well pleased to see you have a new male.
I thimk I have the perfect female for Gilbert, she doesnt have a name but she is a dalmation coulored girl just like Gil.( although she comes out a bit pink in the pictures).
I wish you all the best with him he is a real looker. Shame you are in canada as I reckon he would have bred some great babies with my girl, he is quite an unusual colour. Good luck.
372xp said:

I havnt been on this forum for a week or 2 so I was well pleased to see you have a new male.
I thimk I have the perfect female for Gilbert, she doesnt have a name but she is a dalmation coulored girl just like Gil.( although she comes out a bit pink in the pictures).
I wish you all the best with him he is a real looker. Shame you are in canada as I reckon he would have bred some great babies with my girl, he is quite an unusual colour. Good luck.
awww what a cute betta~~ You should call her Liz eheheh

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