new boy in town


Gettin back into it all after 4 yrs off
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
stoke on trent, midlands, uk
well... after selling my 2ft with all the fighters, and then buying it back without anyfish i realy missed george (my first ever fighter)

yesterday whilst goin to a lfs i saw this poor little might stuck in a corner of the tank lookin realy sorry for himself... his colors hit me first (and even tho u cant tell by my crappy pic he has got a hint of red in his tail if the light hits it right) so me being a complete mardyarse decided to buy the little fell an name him union (cause hes red white an blue ;) )

hes a not so great pic, as u can see his fins are a bit ripped (afterall he was being housed with barbs!!!!! wich i cursed the owner for :grr: )

got a discount tho because they didnt think he would live... :-(


  • malefighter.jpg
    35.5 KB · Views: 37
aww. how is he doing today? still kicking about? im sure hell be fine
Hi nightlife20 :)

You're a sweetie! :thumbs:

I'm sure he'll thrive with all the love and attention you'll be giving him. :nod:
well he seems a bit more energetic today... hes atm tormenting my cories by lyeing on them when they huddle... their plan of action is 'let him' :rolleyes:

my glowlights are keep away from him tho... :unsure:

not seen him flare so cant see the exstent of damage to fins... few holes here an there... :-(

unions livin up to his nature keepin the stiff upper lip ;) just noticed today hes got white under his chin... not fungus or spots... so it seems union suits him :D :thumbs:

ill add a few more pics later when he keeps still long enough lol :kana:

***recent pic of him***


  • union.jpg
    41.5 KB · Views: 54

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