Fish Fanatic
I just couldn't resist him. I have NO room nor tank nor heater for another betta, especially with my new HM boy getting here in a couple of weeks, but I passed all the sad looking boys sitting at the bottom of dirty jars and just thought "what the heck! One more can't hurt" so I grabbed one. I made sure to pick one that I didn't think would otherwise get a home [ie NOT the gorgeous purple boys or the blues] and I ended up with.... well, he's a little of every colour
He's mostly red, but the green bits in the photos actually look blue and purple in the daylight.
I put him in a temp container inside my 15 gallon to stay warm until I could run out and get him his own pad, and when I came home he'd jumped! I've never had a jumping betta before. Luckily there was nowhere for him to go but into the plec's tank, so it wasn't a major deal. Also, with this tank I indulged my inner tackiness and got cute little stars and hearts to go on the bottom. He's been pushing them around with his nose ever since he got in. So cute
Any ideas for names? I'm leaning towards Skittle
"What's this thing?"
"Let's play soccer!"

I put him in a temp container inside my 15 gallon to stay warm until I could run out and get him his own pad, and when I came home he'd jumped! I've never had a jumping betta before. Luckily there was nowhere for him to go but into the plec's tank, so it wasn't a major deal. Also, with this tank I indulged my inner tackiness and got cute little stars and hearts to go on the bottom. He's been pushing them around with his nose ever since he got in. So cute

Any ideas for names? I'm leaning towards Skittle
"What's this thing?"

"Let's play soccer!"