New Bn's


Fish Fanatic
Dec 19, 2005
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Right, went out today, after reserving some BN's. and bought a breeding pair of bristlenose catfish! I already had two, but I was really looking into breeding them but they aren't big enough yet. So, anyway, these ancistrus have already bred a few times. Are classed as a breeding pair now, and the LFS said to watch out because they thought they were going to start spawning, just before we ordered them lol.

Anyway, very good! They are around 14cm now, maybe 13cm, and the male has about 1cm long bristles. Female has none at all. I released them this morning, just before going bowling with some friends, and since I got back - I found that they have settled in! LOL. Not in the way you'd expect... :lol: The planting rock had been totally dug-out (all of the sand had been burrowed into, and the plants were only attatched by roots to the rock), the apple snail SHELL (It died ) had fallen into the "burrow" and the BN's have settled into the bogwood cave

Apart from... I think they may already be breeding :S

The female (It took me AGES to find her) is only visible by a cm2 of her nose, sticking out upside down from part of the bogwood. The male I have not seen yet lol... But i'm pretty sure it is underneath the bogwood with the female...

OH! Almost forgot, when i put the *triple bagged, because the males spikes were so... spiney* bag into the tank to acclimatise, the smaller BN's went underneath where the new ones were acclimatising, and did what I could describe as a protect lol... Was doing all sorts of wierd things. :p Could have imaginged him shouting something to do with him not being the head anymore. :p

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