New Bn Fry :d


Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2009
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We had a bout 40 fry hatch the other week so moved them to a smaller fry tank to grow.

They were fine, but in the last day or two we seem to lose a couple a day. Stats are fine, but they look really lumpy. its not just teh markings they look bobbly all over, is there anythign common to BNs that may be casuing it?


PICS added




From the pics the fry look normal. If there's no pollution in the water some of them may not be getting enough to eat. I feed my fry crushed NLS pellets twice daily, and as far as I can see haven't lost any since I moved the cichlids to another tank.
They were getting sliced cucumber and pleco wafers.

The water stats were fine

They are all now dead :(

There is a new batch that we have left in the main tank along with everyone else, to see if they have a better chance of survival.

Could it be that they were 'genetically wrong' the parents were both from teh same tank in the LFS a while ago, so could it be the result of inbreeding?

We'll see what happens with this next lot
Courgette is a far better diet than cucumber - cucumber has very little nutritional value.

Not saying that is why they died - it is quite common for a first batch not to make it. Possibly inbreeding but could just be 'one of those things'.

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