
Dec 29, 2004
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i have just got back from my lfs looking at their bettas. they have just got 30 new female in and they are really nice!!! but their males are called king fighters and they have short tails like the female !!! are these Plataks???????? :dunno:

also can you breed a white betta with a blue betta???

or a halfmoon with a veiltail????
mrplaty said:
i have just got back from my lfs looking at their bettas. they have just got 30 new female in and they are really nice!!! but their males are called king fighters and they have short tails like the female !!! are these Plataks???????? :dunno:

also can you breed a white betta with a blue betta???

or a halfmoon with a veiltail????
Plakats are beautiful. :) If you find something you like, they are great. I prefer the plakat halfmoon.
Yes, you can breed blue and white together. Hopefully you will get marbles too. Also depends who is the mother and who is the father. Tried it out. Some people did advised not the breed the blue line and the red line together. The red line always be the dominant and also for future breeding, the gene is not going to be pure. This is something for you to think about.
Yes, halfmoon and veiltail can cross each other. They have tendency to be delta or super delta. :) If cross back the sibling again, you might get halfmoon(very very slim), super delta 25%, delta 50%(a lot), and veiltail 25% (slim). :lol:


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You can breed all types of bettas I am pretty sure, but I wouldn't advise it if you are a beginner to bettas. Breeding them costs a lot of money and you have to set up a bunch of jars and stuff to house all of the males in and have spare grow-up tanks. I am sure wuvmybetta will come by and tell you how hectic breeding can be, and how expensive. :hey:

Anyways, you can breed a white with a blue, I know that. You can breed all different colorations of bettas together.
You might as well be crying when you see the babies keeps dying and you look helpless too. LOL
End up zero babies. LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:
Someone kind of freak out in here when their babies keeps dying. LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:
It is a learning process so you mostly end up nothing in the first time breeding. LOL :rolleyes:

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