New bettas!


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
Well, I tried to get them to flare, but it was past their bedtime and they weren't cooperating! :p
That's alright though, I love them even if they are little brats!

Here's my newest, Ruya'il. I don't think he's particularly pretty, but that's ok... I bought him just because he's missing his ventral fins. It doesn't look like they were ripped off... more like he never had any to begin with. He might be a long-finned female at that, since he has what appears to be an eggspot (can't see it in the pic)... or maybe that's just wishful thinking :rolleyes::

And here's my new opaque, Loel:

Last but not least, Belial. I promised myself I wasn't going to buy any bettas that weren't really unusual, but I just couldn't pass him up! His fins are so thick, it's beautiful when he swims! I think they weigh him down a little though, hehe. He's also really aggressive.:

Gorgeous Bettas Synir.

Belial's Colors are So Rich :wub:
How many do you have now?

It's like a competition around here! :lol:
cutechic: Loel is pretty timid and sadly doesn't flare much, but I'll try! Other than Ruya'il, he has the smallest fins of all my bettas...

freshmike: 15 males and four females :D
I think there are more than 15 pictured one my sig, but I've lost a couple of those to incurable finrot and some to old age.

SakuraX64: Most of my bettas are from Walmart, four or five are from LFS, and two (Malachi and his sibling female Lilith) are from a seller on :)
Thats a realy nice Wal-Mart. All the Bettas in my local Wal-Mart have tail rot or just plain sick. :(

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