Well here are the gals I bought the other day. You can read about them in the betta forum. Please excuse quality, all I have is a webcam. And the colors suck... this lil lady is stunning in person (IMO!). Here is the greenish/blue one, flaring at her neighbor.
Here is the double tail. For those of you who don't know bettas extremely well, you can notice that her dorsal fin is much longer than the one above. Double tails have twice (or more) as many rays as a single tail in their dorsal fin. Pretty cool huh.
The quality of this photo is terrible, sorry.. but I had to share it because its SO CUTE. This is exactly what the boy did when I tried to take his pic. As you can see, he's a little shy. Can't you just see him sayin "But I'm havin a bad fin day mom, I don't want them to see me!!"