Fish Crazy
So after about 9 months w/o bettas in my life I was inspired to get a new betta from a dream.Yeah its wierd...
so while I desperatleysearched on aquabid, forums and as many stock shops as I could I couldnt find anything for over 3months. Well I finally found someone wiling to help me Sherry(wildmagiclady). So after many many emails I was going to buy a pair of bettasfrom her red/gold line. She sent the pair i wanted and 2 extras.Shes a great person to work with andvery understanding.I will be posting pics as soon as i get home from work.
I have 2 dark red HM rosetails and 2 cambo red marble-ish females. havent decided names but I let my little sister do that.
well here they are, enjoy
the next two I named Tea, he has a couple nips here and there but over all hes really nice HM. Except he doesnt like going full spread.
Yhis guys name is Melon. I plan to breed him in a couple weeks with Bubble one of my new females.
This is bubble, shes not HM but shes four ray and is superdelta-ish
and the last one is my little sisters since she felt deprived
she named her booble. nice marble. I might use this one for breeding someday.
Ok thats all for now, tell me what you guys think!

well here they are, enjoy
the next two I named Tea, he has a couple nips here and there but over all hes really nice HM. Except he doesnt like going full spread.

Yhis guys name is Melon. I plan to breed him in a couple weeks with Bubble one of my new females.

This is bubble, shes not HM but shes four ray and is superdelta-ish

and the last one is my little sisters since she felt deprived

Ok thats all for now, tell me what you guys think!