All except two were from Jennifer @ Luvmybetta. Their sister site Wild about bettas combines shipping. I got the red dragon and the copper marble pair from there. I got 11 total and she included that Purple/Gold HM female as a free bonus. So 12.
That HM looked gold in his photo but he's really purple!

I like him and I'm not a big HM fan!
I've wanted a Red Dragon for almost forever so finally getting one was really exciting.
The Marble female is a male...

. I really wanted to pair HIM up with one of my males. I got him in his tank and right away he was going to eat my HM! He's so small too, like half his size

She said she saw an ovipositor, but I don't know what she's talking about
The other Black/green PK female is also a boy.... Jennifer told me she was new at plakats so it's cool. Besides, he's awesome! And he's HM
The Gold plakats are friggin huge... More huger then everyone else. Maybe 2x bigger.
The First guy shown is a color that shouldn't even exist. It's this blinding bright blue that is this level of awesome that cannot be described with words B)
All in all I'm pretty freakin happy with my new babies
(Edit: Just noticed the massive amount of smilies in this post... sorry)