New Betta


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Canada, Ontario
I just bought a .5 gallon tank and a betta today. I know some of you may say the tank is to small, but he has room to swim and I've heard other people keeping them in the same thing I have and they are happy. The tank came with gravel, a plant, food and water conditioner. It was $14.99 canadian and the betta I bought was $3.99 I wasn't sure if I wanted to buy the kit and the fish, but I've wnated a male betta for a while now so I bought him, and my grandpa gave me $50 today so I figured I might as well. The betta looks really nice and is a mix of blue and red. I'll see if I can get some pics of him sometime!
I think a betta is fine in a 1/2 gallon tank, provided you do regular water changes and provided he has a little plant and a place to hide. Send us a piccie when you can!
He will be fine in that tank. I'm glad you went and adopted a betta. It always pleases me when I hear someone rescue another betta from the itty bitty cup.
Seems I chose a scared betta! It turns away when it sees it's reflection and I havent seen it flare once! seems to be good though, he's already ate and everything! :D
That's good!!! I'm glad to see he's happy. My first betta (this is your first betta right??) went wrong. I didn't cycle the water so it never ate. A week later it died. Same with the second because the water still wasn't cycled... that won't happen with me again!!!
Nope, I've actually ahd a few bettas! I have a female and have had her for about a year or so now. Maby a little longer!
oh congrats on the new squishy lives in a 1/2 gallon 2 the same style as yours i believe! :D he is very happy and i hope yours is happy 2.....whats his name?
Well my first ever betta actually developed fungus and died within two days (Temperature/pH change). But soon it all went good. Ne ways bettas do good in a 1/2 gallon tank but it doesn't mean they love it. Like most fish they would prefer to swim around more but it will do fine provide there are some plants, rocks and frequent water changes. What color is it? ;)
He doesn't have a name, don't know if I will name it, none of my fish have a name. The colour is red and blue, looks very good. He swims around alot, always swimming around the plant. Still havent seen him flare!

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