new betta


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2004
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i have never owned a betta before until recently
when i put him in the tank, every now and then he would puff right up. all his gills would move and his GORGOUS fins would puff right up. he looked amazing!!! how come they do this? is it normal? lol
your new baby is flaring. This is perfectly normal. In fact, it is healthy for your new betta. It means he is being territorial and protecting that which is rightfully his.

Put a mirror next to his tank for a bit every day so he can flaunt his hot fins at it, it'll prevent him from becoming depressed. :)

Flaring is basically a way of him to prove hes bigger better and badder than all of the betta on his block :)

Good luck with him! What is his name? What does he look like?

yes i got two pics.. one of the pics is my avatar beside my name. you can't see the colors in him! but he is blue red and ?white? or ?light pink? its hard to tell. he is absolutely gorgous. i have never owned one before. i do have a high level of nitrite in my tank.........?????????????????????????? that going to hurt him?

i can't think of a name.. but that will come.. i just got him tonight.. and then seen the levels of nitrite were high. i did do a water change today and added waste control, cycle and aquaplus.

i just went upstairs and he was "hiding". I have a treasure chest thing in my tank and he was "sitting" in it. was so cute.

how do i add pic to this post?
yes nitrite is bad! change the water! you should change the water at least once a week an dmake sure he is ain a container that is 1 gallon or more.
He can/will die from Nitrite poisoning, you need to do regular water changes to keep the water quality good. If you have ammonia or Nitrite or exceptionally high Nitrate (above 50), a water change is in order. You must be deligent with these water changes to keep your little guy happy and healthy and free from disease.

Congrats on the new fish :)

i am just about to go check levels on nitrite. anything to do besides water changes to get the level down? i have cycle, and waste control and aquaplus. but thats it. and im broke. i did a water change yesterday, about 15-20% my tank has only been set up for 15 days. i will check it now, and do another water change
Can you tell us how high? are you getting ammonia readings? what are your nitrAte levels?
unless your tank is large (over 10 gal), it would be easiest to change all of the water. cycle wont help you here.
i have a 10 gallon tank.. im not going to do a 100% water change cause i will have to start fresh. my tank has been set up for 15 days now, hopefully will be able to get through this.

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