New Betta


New Member
Apr 10, 2011
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i gotten a new betta yesterday and it seems like he was doing ok in the tank but today i notice that he is not swimming around but just staying put in one place and at one point i saw him lay on his side. this kinda freak me out since last week i had lost my first betta :sad:

here is a closer pic of him as wellSAM_3050resize.jpg
Hope he gets better Jair treat him or you can do daily water changes to keep the water clean it okay mine has fin rot too I just do daily water changes every day and his fins are already growing back since I bought him a week ago
Sometimes you have to rinse gravel to get off that excess color. I lost my guppies because excess color from gravel killed them. It was the chemicals. Maybe rinse plastic plants too, it wouldn't hurt.

Sometimes plastics have irritating or strange fumes on them that you can get rid of with water. I dunno just a guess. It's like when I put nail polish and the fumes are just toxic smelling. I run my nails under water when they are dry to get rid of the chemical smell.
Hope he gets better Jair treat him or you can do daily water changes to keep the water clean it okay mine has fin rot too I just do daily water changes every day and his fins are already growing back since I bought him a week ago

oh i am glad yours is doing better..i will start doing the water changes everyday and i sure hope he does get better. thanks!!

Sometimes you have to rinse gravel to get off that excess color. I lost my guppies because excess color from gravel killed them. It was the chemicals. Maybe rinse plastic plants too, it wouldn't hurt.

Sometimes plastics have irritating or strange fumes on them that you can get rid of with water. I dunno just a guess. It's like when I put nail polish and the fumes are just toxic smelling. I run my nails under water when they are dry to get rid of the chemical smell.

i do rinse the gravel and plastic plants. i will rinse them off really good for now on. Thanks for the advice and i do know what you mean about the nail polish.
i dont know but for bettas i think your only supposed to use dechlorinated tap or spring water in there tanks

ohh you mean you have a filter in there you might want to take out the air stone cause it might stress out the betta
I am using water that we have coming from the filter. He has the air stone in his tank but no filter in there unless it's better for him?
You need a filter in that tank. I presume you have a heater as well?

Can't tell from the small pictures if he does indeed have can't answer that.

Is the tank Cycled?

What are your water tests at?

Air stone won't bother him in the least, at least my Betta likes his airstone.
Can you get some bigger pics at all? hard to see from those pics if theres anything wrong or not.

As asked does he have a heater? if not this would explain his lack of activity.

What did the old betta die of? is this the same tank?
You need a filter in that tank. I presume you have a heater as well?

Can't tell from the small pictures if he does indeed have can't answer that.

Is the tank Cycled?

What are your water tests at?

Air stone won't bother him in the least, at least my Betta likes his airstone.

I don't have a heater. I would move him to the bigger tank but it has my platties and babies in there and that has the filter and heater. I will take a pic from my phone once I get home and give you the results too
Can you get some bigger pics at all? hard to see from those pics if theres anything wrong or not.

As asked does he have a heater? if not this would explain his lack of activity.

What did the old betta die of? is this the same tank?

I will take better pics once I get home. He doesn't have a heater since my last Betta was doing fine and swimming around alot until last Sunday he didn't move and I look at him carefully too but no breathing or any movements. So I dunno if it was his time to go or not. I bought this tank cuz I was gonna move the last Betta from the one gal to the three gal so he had alot of room. After his passing I got this one ready and had it clean and running before I put this one in.
Since you already have an air pump Ill take the liberty of posting instructions where you can make your own sponge filter basically from things you probably already have lying around...
agreed he needs a heater. Can pick up a 25 watt heater fairly cheaply at walmart (if in the us-cost me about $9 and i have them in all my small tanks)

ive just copied/pasted from an old PM. ignore any info that does not pertain to you/your tank. the build will be the same tho.
ANY questions/clarifications feel free to ask-im a HUGE advocate for these filters for so many reasons.

here's how to make one. it is reallllly simple.

list of things you will need:
- an old fish food tub or any other plastic container with a lid depending on the size of the tank to house it (like an old peanut butter jar (plastic of course), big yogurt container, sour cream container, even an old well rinsed out pill/prescription bottle etc.,).
-something to poke holes in the plastic- a nail and hammer or a drill with a small. sized bit
-gravel or some other material to weight it down
-filter media (sponges work best)
-air pump
-airline tubing

now to build it:
-take the clean container and poke some holes in the bottom. like 8 or so.
-poke a hole in the lid of the container that will accommodate the airtube and be just a BIT wider than the tubing(so the air can get out as it bubbles)
-take an amount of gravel and put it in the bottom (a small handful will be enough)
-put the airline tubing thru the hole in the lid and then run it in the container right down into the gravel
-pack the filter material nice and tight around the airline tubing. you can cut sponges to fit. just make sure its packed well. if not, the airbubbles will have lots of "options" to escape. the idea is to get it so that there is good suction thru the filter as the bubbles rise. if there is lots of airspace in there, the bubbles take the path of least resistance and suction will not be as good thru the media as it should be, and the filter will not work as well.
- put the lid on the container that now is weighted with gravel and packed with media.
-turn on the airpump and viola- nearly instant and cheap filter!!!

some troubleshooting advice:
-if it seems to float, add more gravel to weight it down
-test your water daily and do appropriate waterchanges until it cycles.
-if using mature media, ive found that they usually cycle within a week or so (or sometimes instantly if the bio load is low).
- if you dont notice reduction of ammonia within a week or two, try packing with more media...or if it was REALLY jam packed, maybe take a bit out.

these filters require VERY little maintenance. they are NOT mechanical filters (do not remove the solid waste in the tank) so they dont get all gunked up with waste. i have not touched my filter media in months!!!! although this means that with water changes, you will have to siphon out the solid waste- these filters do not do that for you. they just take care of the chemical filtration (turning ammonia into nitrites into nitrates). they do circulate water quite well tho.

good luck and feel FREE to ask if you need any further instruction or clarification. they Trula are very very simple to make. once you make one, you might not buy a filter ever again. i know i wont smile.gif its a little extra work to clean the solid waste up, but if you regularly do partial water changes anyway, it is not a big deal as you should be siphoning up the poo anyway.

good luck and have fun making your filter!

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