New Betta


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
I got my very 1st male betta today!!! :p im so happy
hes a small red VT with small violet marking in his body (not on the fins).
ill get some photos when he calms down. ive got some tetra prima betta flake food and some frozen blood-worms. i wont be feeding him today but i may try tomorrow. just woundering though how do you people feed the blood-worms (not freeze-dried) to them? they are in small cubes and the people at the LFS said to break them up, but thats about all i know about them. i know how much to feed etc.
thanks, mikey
Well. Nice of you to buy a betta :) but watch out, that betta will turn into bettas and them bettas will turn iinto aspiring dreams for baby bettas :p Anyway good on ya. What i do is snap one of the cubes of bloodoworm off the big packet and make sure thers no holes in the foil on top. then i pour a bit of boiling water on it and then i cut a little bit of with a knife. Then i fereze ASAP the cube again so i don't waste any :)

ok cool thanks alot. some sites say to add special additives to the water because on ich/ick.
is this nessacery or is it fine to do it as normal?
also when you get new bettas how long do you wait before feeding them?
thanks, mikey :good:
Do you suspect that your betta has Ich? If not it's best to not add anything to the water except dechlorinator with the new water at water change time.

When I get any new fish I usually start feeding them on whatever schedule that the rest of my fish are on. It's not unusual for a betta to be off his feed for the first few days though.

Also, when I feed bloodworms I place them in the tank using a toothpick so I can give just one or two at a time. That way I can watch to see if they get eaten if they don't then I haven't dumped a bunch into the tank that I'll have to figure out how to get out before they rot.
No No, i dont think he has ick. he is very lively and looks in very good condishion. so you think its best to not give him anything when giveing them frozen foods am i right?
i woke up this morning to find that hes blown a bubble nest!!! very happy, cos its within 15 hrs of buying him.
do you just eave bubble nests or do you have to take them out?
but i know its a good sign thats hes happy! :hyper: :p
You can leave them in there that's fine! Anyway you'll take it out when you do his water change...
What a happy lil' camper :D

My Betta hasn't blown me one yet, and I've had him for about a month... Would he decide not to, as he is in moving water. Or do some males just not do it?
Some do, Some don't! It's really upto the temperament of your fish. If he has other males/females near him he may feel he needs to keep one there to beat the male in a bubble contest (LOL) or to show off the female if she "Just happened" to get in his tank.

My Betta hasn't blown me one yet, and I've had him for about a month... Would he decide not to, as he is in moving water. Or do some males just not do it?
i think they all do it at some point, but only when they are nicely settled witch is why i was so happy about mine doing it in the 1st 24hrs. well thats my understanding of it anyway. :hey:
Has anyone ever kept Blood Red Ramshorn Snails in with bettas?
seen some on eBay and they look amazing!!!
also have people kept clams in with them?
thanks, mikey

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