New Betta!


Fish Addict
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Eastern Kentucky
Bought my first crowntail ever today! He is very young and runty. He has very mild finrot, and his tail is bent, and he is very scrawny, but I love him! He is so small that tiny betta pellets are too big for his mouth, so I'm going to feed him frozen bloodworms in a minute.

He is a royal purple color, with a promising mustard gas coloration going on. I'm expecting his color to change a lot since this is just his first day here. I have noticed that after settling in well, my bettas tend to change colors drastically (once bought a pure white betta, and it ended up having a pink body with red, blue, and yellow fins!).

Say hello to Herman, the tiny crowntail!


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He looks a LOT better than he did when I brought him home and took that pic. His color has darkened a ton, and he ate 3 bloodworms!

When I saw him at the LPS, his colors were dulled all the way down to faint pastels, and he looked incredibly pathetic. I'm not sure what attracted me to him, but I knew I hadto have him the second I saw him. I almost didn't get him because he looked a bit too ill, but the more I thought about leaving him there, the more depressed I got. I just knew if I left him, he would end up dead in a day or so.

I thought he was going to be a special needs betta because he looked rather.. well.. retarded. His tail is badly bent (but it doesn't effect his swimming any, thankfully), he has mild finrot, he is extremely thin, and his eyes move independently of one another. I don't think fish eyes can do that, but dang he is cute. When I first saw him, he locked one eye on me, and the other was aiming up. I fell in love :wub:
He can move both eyes around fine though, and doesn't have problems seeing. He is just a lucky little guy!
Nice Betta. I wish I had a CT. But he did look a little droopy in the pic but im sure thats just shock or something. Hope hes settling in good with his surroundings...

-Arrowhead :ninja:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it looks to me like he has a bad case of TB :/
If I were you I'd get him some antibiotic food ASAP. Here's a site that might be helpful:
Fish TB

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