Fish Addict
Bought my first crowntail ever today! He is very young and runty. He has very mild finrot, and his tail is bent, and he is very scrawny, but I love him! He is so small that tiny betta pellets are too big for his mouth, so I'm going to feed him frozen bloodworms in a minute.
He is a royal purple color, with a promising mustard gas coloration going on. I'm expecting his color to change a lot since this is just his first day here. I have noticed that after settling in well, my bettas tend to change colors drastically (once bought a pure white betta, and it ended up having a pink body with red, blue, and yellow fins!).
Say hello to Herman, the tiny crowntail!
He is a royal purple color, with a promising mustard gas coloration going on. I'm expecting his color to change a lot since this is just his first day here. I have noticed that after settling in well, my bettas tend to change colors drastically (once bought a pure white betta, and it ended up having a pink body with red, blue, and yellow fins!).
Say hello to Herman, the tiny crowntail!