Siamese Fighting
Fish Fanatic
Thought I'd share with you my latest tank, i'm running out of room! haha
These pictures aren't amazing I am afraid, I should have taken them when it was empty.
It has a spray tube running through the top-back of the tank, and there is a 1mm gap between the bottom of the tank to the dividers, making it flow fluently. Just my current filter isn't strong enough for it, so i'm getting a fluval 1+ for it.
Lovely top picture

These pictures aren't amazing I am afraid, I should have taken them when it was empty.
It has a spray tube running through the top-back of the tank, and there is a 1mm gap between the bottom of the tank to the dividers, making it flow fluently. Just my current filter isn't strong enough for it, so i'm getting a fluval 1+ for it.

Lovely top picture