New Betta Tank! Sweet Pics With A New Camera!

Looks fantastic! I love pebble substrate with the larger rocks, and the uneven bottom, it looks really natural. :good:

But I'd keep an eye out on them because both gouramis and bettas are anabantoids and are hostile to each other, at times as much so as two male bettas can be toward one another. There's always the chance that they'll get along fine because in the end as it all depends on the temperament of the fish, but I'd ere on the side of caution and keep watch on them for a while. :unsure:
umm... those are paradise fish, they are notoriously bad comunity fish and love to nip long tails. id remove them or the betta asap! diferent species of anobantids shouldnt be mixed, and i think you have one of the worst posible combinations. its all nice just now, but this is a disaster waiting to happen.

:lol: very nice tank tho

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