New betta not excepting pellets


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Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
My new chocolate betta isn't eating my betta pellets. It's been two days so tonight I tried some live bloodworms and he loves them! Although he did have to scope it out for a while to make sure it wasn't going to hurt him. He would go up to the pellets and stare then go right next to it, get some air and then go back down... is there a way I can get him to eat pellets? The wasted ones are clouding his tank up pretty fast so I don't want to waste anymore if I can help it.
if you really want him to eat pellets you have to show him some "tuff love". drop a pellet in at a time but don't give him other options, eventually he will get hungry enough that he will try them. ;)
I have the same problem. My Tatsumi will not eat the pellets... and does the same little dance that Auratus' betta does.
I've found that he will accept flake food and dried bloodworms. I'm thinking that the LFS only fed him flake food and he doesn't like the big hard pellets. Too bad they don't make betta food in flake form.
Firstly, take out the uneaten food before it pollutes your tank!!!

If you want him to eat the pellets, then just feed him pellets from now on. Don't give him flakes or blood worms. Give him a couple of minutes to change his mind and then remove the uneaten food and try again later on.

He should eat within a week at most, and can go a couple of weeks without food, so don't feel bad.
I've fed both my bettas freeze-dried bloodworms. I've heard that some folks shy away from them because they've caused intestinal blockage in some fish, but I've never had problems. I'm careful not to overfeed: only 6-8 at a time; once a day except on Fridays; no food at all on Sat and Sun.

Hope this helps :)
Hey susangc

The main reason I wouldn't feed my betta just bloodworms is not because of any digestive reason,bt because I don't believe that they constitute a fully balanced diet. Variety is good for all fish.
Well when the food is floating on the top of the water he wont eat it so I tried flakes and when it starts to sink he goes for it but then just stops. I'll find something for him. hopefully...
I found the same problem with my blue/purple male Bossy. He wouldn't eat Betta Bites for about five days.

I gave him a few bloodworms every now and then so he didn't strave, but I always added some Bites at the same point.

Finally, he started eating the stuff.

I think it depends on the fish.

My girls started eating the Bites at once and my new red butterfly male Shy-Guy ate then a day afterwards.
Howdy, cichlidaddict!

I understand your concern...

My first betta wouldn't eat flakes or pellets. Plus, if the food sank, it was lost as far as Alpha was concerned.

Beta seems willing to eat sinking food (it seems great sport for him :p), so I'd be willing to try pellets again.

Hi :) Nutrafin does flakes for bettas here in the uk, my betta loves them its called Nutrafin max betta flakes, can you not get them where you are.

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