New betta not eating


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
My last betta (chocolate) that I got from my lfs never got an appatite and died.

Now this giant from the same LFS isn't eating. I tried bloodworms, brine shrimp, and pellets and he wont eat any of it. What can I do to get him to eat and is this a bad lfs?
i'm going through the same thing with my two new bettas. they won't eat pellets or flakes, but suddenly have taken an interest (just today) in bloodworms. everyone has suggested to me to just keep trying, and that sometimes it takes a few weeks for a betta to come around and eat. they also suggested live food. i got a ghost shrimp for one betta, and he let it live for awhile, then killed it. i came back a few hours later and the body was gone so i guess he ate it.. i think they also suggested apple snail eyes, though i don't know if you can buy the actual eyeballs :crazy: or if you have to buy the whole snail...
You may want to ask the LFS what food they feed their bettas. It could be they're used to another method of feeding and aren't willing to try 'new' things. I guess it's worth a try. :thumbs: Good luck.
hmmm strange i have two bettas and they dont' seem to have this problem. My second betta refused the food for about 2 days adn then i guess he got hungry. Could be becuase they're busy adjusting to a new environment? i think you should ask your LFS what they feed the betta and try to match the same food.

Good luck though :)
It's normal for bettas not to eat for up to a week after bringing them home. In the meantime, could you set up a bbs hatchery or buy a couple live bbs from the lfs?

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