New Betta Is Here!


Bettas Eh?
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Lowestoft, UK
God I Love Kevin!!!

He Gave Me A FREE HMPK Pair With My Fancy CT!!!!

They Are All Settling In Downstairs So I Will Sort Out Pics Later Tonight :D

Soo here are some pics...
Male HMPK, Female HM/HMPK And My New CT!!!
Oh BTW, I Think The Pictures Are Clear Enough... The Female One A Bit Fuzzy Due To The Bottle lol



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Oh No... We Don't Give Our Fish Booze Here In Lowestoft We Are CIVILISED And WARM...


Finally you got some clear pics lol... nice CT. :crazy:

I Said Before That That Picture Was Taken When She Was Being Treated By Methylene Blue!!
yes well he has good stock now so if he dont rush thing he will cracker,,,, :hyper:
Kevin HAS Spoken 8)

Pfftt i didn't even know how to make a chimney from a coke bottle 3 hours ago... so some breeder ill be :p

Oh And Liz2 i now have 6 Bettas

1 VT, 1 CombT, 1 HM, 2 So Called HMPK (Me And Cracker Arent Sure) and 1 CT

Bret "The Legend" Weber
You are a lucky boy!,
How come you got them free. And what is this coke bottle thing about?! Enlighten me! :good:
Well Here Is What Happened When I Got Back From School.

I got in door and saw my parcel on the side table... Immediatley i picked it up and began the process of un wrapping those layers :p i then got to th poly box and undone all the tape when i realised it was already open on the other side. I turned it over and saw 3 bags. I'm like oh he's probably put some bags of water to stop him from jostling around in the box.. But No!!! 2 free fish where there. Along my my beautfiul CT. They have all settled in now and i have followed kevins instructions to put them straight in the spawn tank but make sure they are seperated. And he told me to condition them IN the spawn tankso i scrambled around putting together my spawn tank And making the chimney with the coke bottle. What i did was get an EMPTY coke bottle and cut the top AND bottom off. I also made small hole in the side of the bottle to let the females hormones mix with the males. Now the male i racing around his tank and the female still looks a litle bit worried. But im going to do as kevin says and they should be ready by wednesday :)


EDIT TO ADD: I'm sitting here now seeing the male race around the bottle with his fins all spread out, then he races to under the IAL where i think thereis a nest... im not sure, it could just be the bubbles from the new water i put in but it totally covers under the IAL... Ill Update later :)
That sounds promising Bret :D

Any chance of a pic of the HM now he's flaring and happy?

What is your water temp like now, you getting them warmer?

I find the coke bottle makes a perfect chimney too :D

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